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Oriana (France) : friends

Friends of: Oriana (France)

adeptmagic (USA: NY)

Alitheia (USA: FL)

Amberkatze (Austria)

Aneca (Portugal)

Anki (Sweden)

Janelle (Canada)

Aoife (Belgium)

Netla (Iceland)

Kay (USA: MI)

Caitie (Canada)

Cara (Canada)

Chrysalis School (Madagascar)

Creoleqt (USA: CA)

Cyradis (Finland)

Cindy (Canada)

elet (France)

escalla (Portugal)

Maria (Greece)

Flor (Portugal)

Kiki (Germany)

Gillyn (Philippines)

Mélusine (France)

T (Portugal)

Ioana (Romania)

Ioanna (United Kingdom)

irisin (Austria)

joasik (Netherlands)

Joelle (France)

John Hopper (United Kingdom)

Jon (United Kingdom)

Katherine Shaw (United Kingdom)

Katie (Austria)

Kirsten (USA: OR)

kislany (Cyprus)

fouine (France)

LauraTS (USA: SC)

Lesemaus (Deutschland)

LizA (Austria)

Lluthiel (France)

Lman (Australia)

lnatal (Brazil)

Marta (Portugal)

Lusylia (France)

MarchRose (Italy)

Bellita (Portugal)

Miss Picky (Portugal)

maggie (France)

msaggie (Australia)

Anna (Italy)

Signe (Sweden)

Nada (Australia)

Needsun (Canada)

Nicole (Germany)

Pam (USA: AL)

Bibliophilistine (Finland)

penelopewanders (France)

paula (Canada)

Bunny (USA: TX)

Rebemdee (USA: CA)

Shana (USA: WA)

Chris (USA: MI)

cara (France)

carole (France)

Coactum Chaoticus (Canada)

Velma (Canada)

Virginie M (France)

Victoria (USA: PA)

wired_lain (Japan)

wyvernfriend (Ireland)

What this person's friends have to say about 'Oriana (France)':

Creoleqt (USA: CA): "Finally "
kislany (Cyprus): "Great friend and trade. Amazing how many thing we have in common :)"
msaggie (Australia): "You are an inspirational moocher, eclectic reader and great networker - thanks for being my BookMooch friend!"
Nicole (Germany): "Thanks for all the great trades we made together even before BookMooch existed. (ERTG,BC)"
paula (Canada): "Similar tastes in wishlist. :)"
Coactum Chaoticus (Canada): "This person is Awesome. Just saying."